On your gridded fabric, the rows where you placed dots represent the first row in each 10-square block on the printed pattern. In the images below, I’ve highlighted the rows and columns in the printed pattern that correspond to the rows and columns on the fabric.
To find your starting point, you’ll pick the element of the design you want to start stitching. In this case, we’ll start with the hippo (instead of the hearts). Typically you’ll stitch top to bottom and left to right. So you’re going to start with the left-most stitch of the top row, which is indicated with the red outline and arrow above.
Once you decide where you want to start in your pattern, find the square on the fabric where your first stitch will go. In this case, you’ll start in the 10-square block just above and to the right of the center. Within that block, you’ll start stitching in the square that’s in the second row and the second column. I’ve indicated it with the red outline and arrow.