A full cross stitch consists of a bottom stitch and a top stitch. To stitch a row, you start with the bottom stitches then turn back and add the top stitches.
After finding your starting point, thread your needle up through the bottom left hole until the knotted end hits the back of the fabric.
Thread your needle back down through the top right hole. Continue stitching all bottom stitches of that color in the row.
Once you’ve reached the end of the row, thread your needle up through the bottom right hole of the last stitch.
Thread your needle back down through the top left hole. You’ve done your first full stitch! Continue stitching all of the top stitches in that row.
When you’ve completed your first row, continue to the second row. Find the left-most stitch of the second row and repeat steps 1 through 4.
Continue stitching until you’re running low on thread. Flip your hoop over. Thread your needle through the back side of the stitches (at least three stitches for a firm hold).
Pull the needle tight enough so there is no slack left but not so tight that it warps the fabric.
Trim the excess. Return to step 1 and continue stitching until the entire piece is complete.